Editorial Handbook-2020
We Are Mount Pleasant
200 word intro
T he same question comes up in our small publishing powwows almost every time we are vetting possible candidates for the next “We Are Mount Pleasant” feature: What makes someone “Mount Pleasant” enough for this? Easily put It has always been my home. When people discover that in casual conversation, most are shocked to meet someone who was actually born here. “I’m one of the few,” I often joke. True, our town has blossomed and boomed with BY ANNE SHULER TOOLE — it’s complicated. I was born and raised in Mount Pleasant.
newcomers to the point that it’s often hard to recognize our past, but, even in the town’s quainter era, many people who lived here were not born here. Does being born here make me more “Mount Pleasant” than someone who moved here “from off” before I was born? Not necessarily. So, where’s the threshold? Well, within our community are some wonderful people. These individuals weren’t all born and raised here but have made Mount Pleasant their home. They lead interesting lives, make a difference or believe in the greater good. In turn, they make Mount Pleasant what it is today.
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