Editorial Handbook-2020
W Improving Quality of Life Charleston Allergy & Asthma W W . B E S T O F M P . C O M P assions form for different reasons. Our parents were devoted to a hobby and we grew up experiencing it. We were inspired by someone else’s testimony. A life-changing event occurred. For Dr. Lindsey Stoltz Steadman, her passion for healing those with allergies stemmed from a close experience with a student’s peanut allergies — and the event sparked her interest. Realizing just how much an EpiPen, as well as awareness of one’s allergies, can save a life, she passionately chose to pursue a career in the allergy field. Dr. Stoltz Steadman excelled in medical school, BY TERI ERRICO GRIFFIS
attending Palmetto Health-USC, where she was chief pediatric resident — a peer-elected role. During her rotations, she worked in the ER, hospital, ICU and saw severely allergic children, including those with food allergies and asthma. Today, she is exactly the person you want on your side, whether you’re a patient at Charleston Allergy and Asthma or on the medical team. One of those teammembers includes Dr. Bruce Ball, reader-voted Best Allergist for seven years running — the sole winner since the category was first introduced! “I love helping people. I love educating them and helping them take their symptoms — whether they have a cough, or this symptom or that — and put the puzzle pieces together to find out what’s wrong, and find a solution,” said Stoltz Steadman, who arrived at Charleston Allergy and Asthma in October. The practice has three locations, one in Mount Pleasant, one in Summerville and a third in West Ashley, and treats all ages, all allergic diseases. The practice is also a certified pollen-counting station. You can find the local pollen count daily on their website, as well as meet the doctors, make appointments and more. 250 words
For more information on Charleston Allergy and Asthma, visit charlestonallergy.com or call 843-881-2030.
It’s our lucky year! Thanks for voting us ‘Best Allergist’ 7 years in a row!
Most Award-Winning Allergists in the Lowcountry Bruce D. Ball, MD Andrew E. Davidson, MD Jeffrey J. Dietrich, MD Thomas B. Harper III, MD Meredith L. Moore, MD Carolyn R. Word, MD Lindsey Stoltz Steadman, MD
92 BEST OF 2020
www.BestOfMPTickets.com | www.BestOfMP.com | www.ILoveMountPleasant.com
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