Editorial Handbook-2020
T here are times in our daily lives when, practice that offers primary care services with urgent care availability, offers patients convenience and a personalized caring approach to healthcare. It’s easy for patients to walk in or book an appointment online for treatment, and with patient portal and medical memberships available, it is also both cost effective and comforting to know what services you have received and the fee. Every Day Sea IslandMedical Care unfortunately, one might need the services of a doctor and/or medical facility. Sea Island Medical Care, a family-owned medical BY EILEEN CASEY Keeping Us Healthy
north mount pleasant
The professional team of Dr. Anoma Gamage, medical director; Lee C. Ross, certified family nurse practitioner; Ashley Curtis, PA-C and Jessica Watson, PA-C, ensure routine medical care for adolescents and adults. This includes physical exams and ongoing care of chronic medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. Urgent care services are available for all ages. Dr. Gamage has more than 25 years of experience as a clinical physician. She graduated from medical school in the United Kingdom from Guys and St. Thomas’s Hospital after which she practiced internal and emergency medicine. She then moved to Charleston and completed her family practice residency at MUSC. Having practiced rural family and emergency room medicine in Columbia, South Carolina, she and her physician husband, Frank, along with their three children, moved back to Charleston in 2010. Sea Island Medical Care is open seven days a week for care of non-emergency conditions, including, but not limited to: sprains and breaks, flu, ear infections, X-rays, EKG’s, coughs/colds, rashes, lacerations and annual physicals for camp and sports. Sea Island Medical Care is located at 2114 Highway 41, Suite 105, Mount Pleasant. For more information, call 843-388-9000 or go to seaislandmedical.com. 250 wor s
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