Charleston Best Attorneys-Magazine3

Animated publication

Charleston’s Best Attorneys

Charleston’s Best Attorneys

Areas of Law Adoptions Bankruptcy Business Probate &Wills Real Estate Closing

PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS FindingThe Road To Recovery

FAMILY LAW Divorce,Mediation, Child Custody

Published by Mount Pleasant Magazine ®

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

If you or a family member has been injured in a personal injury accident, John Price Law Firm, LLC is here for you with experienced accident lawyers.

Thank you Mount Pleasant, for voting us Best Personal Injury Attorney Attorney John Price has been practicing law

since 1985. When combined with the other attorneys at the firm, there are more than 118 years of experience.

2 Char l es tonBes tAt torneys . com 4 www. ReadMPM. com | www.MountPl easantMagaz i ne. com | www. VOICE forMP. com MYRTLE BEACH 1012 38th Ave. North Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 843-903-4357 (F) 843-871-3232 At John Price LawFirm, LLC, injured individuals receive compassionate counsel and strong advocacy in negotiations or at trial. To arrange a free initial consult tionwith one of our attorneys, all us or visit ourwebsite at NORTH CHARLESTON 3045 Ashley Phosphate Road North Charleston, SC 29418 843-552-6011 (F) 843-760-6840 SUMMERVILLE 307 Old Trolley Road Summerville, SC 29485 843-832-6000 (F) 843-871-3232 NORTH CHARLESTON 3842 Leeds Ave. North Charleston, SC 29405 843-594-0515 (F) 843-760-6840




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Thank You for Voting Buxton & Collie Best Attorneys! Business, Real Estate & Trusts & Estates Thank You for Voting Buxton & Collie Best Attorneys! Business, Real Estate & Trusts & Estates

We are honored, and so proud to serve our clients For All of Life’s Transactions

We are honored, and so proud to serve our clients For All of Life’s Transactions

Jim Buxton, Business Law Brian Collie, Real Estate & Business Law Nate Johnson, Business Law

Jim Buxton, Business Law Brian Collie, Real Estate & Business Law Nate Johnson, Business Law

Julie Jones, Business Law

Lenny Mitchum, Real Estate

Cecile Crogan, Trusts & Estates

BUXTON & COLLIE, LLC T(843) 606-2397 | F(843) 284-8917 | 940 Johnnie Dodds Blvd. Mount Pleasant, South Carolina 29464


26 BEST OF 2021 Julie Jones, Business Law

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Lenny Mitchum, Real Estate

Char l es tonBes tAt torneys . com Cecile Crogan, Trusts & Estates


Charleston’s Best Attorneys wns Better Places T Call Home eat Places To Visit. Tabl of Cont nts Hilton Head Bluffton interested in a primary residence to raise your family, a second home to be closer to your new grandchild or irement home, your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit will help you make your move a smooth one.

Documents inOrder For All of Life’s Transactions Buxton & Collie A torneys At Law One Law Firm For All Cobb, Dill &Hammett P lanning for the future is never easy. Wills, trusts and power of attorneys are complicated topics that require us to make concrete decisions, explore complex legal topics and family dynamics and ultimately contemplate our own mortality. While it’s is today. “I always advise clients to plan as if something were going to happen tomorrow,” stated Sarah Smith of Butler & College Law Firm, who focuses her practice on estate planning. Having a comprehensive plan in place now is important because estate plans consist of so much more than a will or trust. Healthcare and financial powers of attorney are a critical part of your plan because they “A t Cobb, Dill & Hammett, LLC our motto is, ‘We’re your family’s law firm for life,’” said Michael Dill, attorney and partner in .the Mount Pleasant law firm. Dill, a graduate of the University of Georgia and BY B I L L FARLEY BY L I NDSAY C . B I SHOP T here were more surprises than expected in 2020, but for Buxton & Collie LLC, some of those surprises were cause for celebration. In the same year they celebrated their 10-year our names down and that we came out as number one in those categories. It means so much to us because we very proudly serve the Mount Pleasant community.” So much of what the team does — both in their work and outside of it — focuses on the community. The company’s tagline is “For All of Life’s Transactions.” Their six attorneys and support staff help clients in three main areas: business transactions, residential and commercial real estate and estate planning. Those three areas of concentration often interlink, or Dill said. “We currently have 12 attorneys and BY KATHER I NE WATERS

Charleston’s Best Attorneys www. ReadMPM. com | www. VOICE forRea l Es tate. com | www.MountPl easantBu i l de Dill, who was an ssociate at a boutique firm be becoming a p rtn r at Cobb, Dill & H mmett, loo fondly at his experience at Charleston School of Law studies there prepared me well for my current positi stated. “I learned how to write legally, which is very from ‘normal’ writing.” will not only ensure that your estate is divided up the way that you envision but will also streamline the esta administration process for your family, saving them precious time during an already stressful and harrowin situation. Aside from having a properly executed will or trus “people don’t realize the importance of having assets as hostin drives fo foster ca drives fo League parents is heartbreaking to consider, however having a proper plan in place will ensure that children are take care of by the trusted family member of your choice, keeping them out of the foster system and sheltering them from difficult court proceedings. Aside from properly documenting your wishes, Smith recommen “when it comes to guardianship, it’s crucial to have th conversations with the people that you want to name your documents, so that, God forbid something does happen, it’s not a surprise. You want to have a convers with them as to what would be in the best interest of children at that point in time.” Trusts are living docum that can be sometimes a lient will have a need that en than one a ea. But this is just one reas n w Collie partners have established strong rela their clients. “Many of our clients stay with us for a time,” said Buxton. “Maybe they come to deal, for exampl , like a dentist who is buy dental practice. The dentist needs to have agreement drawn up, and maybe the pract want to buy the building that their dental we can handle that commercial real estate She explained further, “After that, the dentist says, ‘Well, now that I’ve done all t and I don’t have an estate plan. We have tw need to plan for things.’ So, then we an t part of their legal needs. That’s a good exam client. A client may come to us for one rea stay with us for others.” The close connections with t e Mount community expand beyond the legal busin & Collie partners with numerous local cha organizations, using their large parking lot location for regular blood drives with The Connec I a phras , Cobb, Dill & Hammett can handle of their clients’ legal needs “from cradle to grave,” w departments in real estate, business/banking law, fam criminal defense and personal injury. They don’t nee refer clients to anyone else. “We just walk them down the hall and introduc t our highly trained attorneys in th area of their le c ncern,” n ted Dill. “Whatever legal needs you ha can help you through it.” When it comes to attracting new clients, Cobb, Dill & Hammett does not rely on aggressive televisi commercials. Said Dill, “Our only advertising is a so billboard.” That billboard, in an obvious and co scious pla words, reads “In a pickle? Call Dill.” edited to adap to ever-chang situations and relationships That means t your decision aren’t set in st so don’t put t off just becau you’re unsure the best optio It’s a com misconceptio that trusts are only for the wealthy, but having the rig legal docume 6 Over th years, e have fo connect greater Mount Pleasant community as w connection to their coworkers. “We all live and work in Mount Pleasa Buxton. “We have a great group of employ really think a lot of each other and work w want to be the best that we can be through our work and our involvement with the co The firm now enjoys hiring Charleston School o students and helping them further their legal career There’s something else that sets Cobb, Dill & H 11 For more information on Buxton & Collie, or call 843-874-633 don’t have a meeting just because they want to see B With the firm’s proven ability to handle all the m aspects of the law, it’s well on its way to achieving it becoming “the biggest and best law firm in South C Buster was unavailable for comment. He was se subpoena on a squirrel. Visit Cobb, Dill & Hammett at 222 W. Coleman in Mount Pleasant or call 843-732-1516. Inc., am other ph relation The involve & Colli of the r within apart from other law fi th ir four- “associate,” the law do personal go retriever, B can be fou days at the gr eting cl and calmin down duri stressful tim Accord the attorne have client will come office even

Preparing for the Future...................... 6 Getting Your Legal Documents in Order For All of Life’s Transactions............... 9 Buxton & Collie Attorneys at Law The Closer............................................ 10 Pearce Law Firm One Law Firm for All......................... 11 Cobb, Dill & Hammett Fear Is Not AnOption....................... 12 Walter Harris Heather Hartoin. ................................ 14 Pearce Law Firm tempting to put these big decisions on the back burner, avoiding these topics will create financial and emotional burdens for your loved ones in the long run. When it comes to estate planning, the best time to start Your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit includes one free copy of each magazine below. To register online, go to: Lowcountry Over Party Restaurants - | Read online – | Real Estate – WINTER/SPRING 2018-19 ManagingYour IslandParadise Who to Trust, Questions to Ask Local Officials Were In Cunningham’s Corner IsleofPalms Safest City in South Carolina PETS MOUNT PLEASANT A PACK OF THEIR OWN How the Haskells Ended Up with Seven ‘Failed’ Fosters Published by Mount Pleasant Magazine WORKING DOGS OF MOUNT PLEASANT They Work Hard for the Lovin’ 2019-2020 HEALTH FROM SNOUT TO TAIL Exercise, Anxiety, Chronic Disease, Recipes and More WE OUR PETS | MtPleasant. Pet Moun t P l ea s an t . Pe t Q&A WITH A FEW OF HOOTIE’S DOGS Not the Blowfish! CHAR L E S TON JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 COMPLIMENTARY TOP 10 HEALTH CONCERNS IN THE PALMETTO STATE Stop Allergies GET OFF THE ACHOO-CHOO TRAIN Special Issue on KIDS’ HEALTH C UISIN E L O W C O U N T R Y Celebrating CHARLESTON Flavor As Seen On TV Old-school diners on the small screen Spring/Summer 2019 OYSTERS ALL YEAR LONG!? Every season is oyster season. Opa! Going (out for) Greek Rappahannock Oyster Bar: A dozen sustainably aquacultured Rappahannock River Oyster Company oysters available at Rappahannock Oyster Bar in Charleston. Cook the Cover page 19 Put on Your Chef Hat Chefs dish on their favorite spring recipes Restaurants – | Read online – | Real Estate – WINTER/SPRING 2018-19 BatteryGadsden Cultural Center Discovering a History Underground Who Is and WhoWas Residents of the Island, Past and Present Plunge Intoa NewYear Dunleavy Style! www. Char l es tonsPr i vateSchoo l s . com | www. Char l es tonSchoo lDi rec tor y. com | www. ed. sc . gov ISD INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS PUBLISHED BY MOUNT PLEASANT MAGAZINE GETTING INTO COLLEGE An Insider’s View “We Are the Champions” BISHOP ENGLAND AND FIRST BAPTIST TAKE STATE! Get the Lowdown ON LOWCOUNTRY LEARNING W W W . C H A R L E S T O N S C H O O L D I R E C T O R Y . C O M C H A R L E S T O N ’ S I N D E P E N D E N T SCHOOL DIRECTORY From left to right: Katie Stall, Charleston Southern University; Dizz Oliver, Orange Grove Charter School; Eva Gallagher, Allegro Charter School of Music; Isabella Nash, Palmetto Christian Academy; Shane McCravy, Oceanside Collegiate Academy. Front: Reese LaBelle, Christ Our King Stella Maris. DANIEL ISLAND | ISLE OF PALMS | SULLIVAN’S ISLAND jULY/AUGUST 2018 Summer’s in the Air Hydrofly SportS ® C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S - C U I S I N E - P E T S - S C H O O L D I R E C T O R Y - R E A L E S TAT E We Are Mount Pleasant: Pillars of the Community Athletic Domination BishopEngland andFirst Baptist Dogs, Birds and Possums Loving all Lowcountry Animals Mount Pleasant 2018 177 www. Ret i r i ngToSC . com | www. I LoveMountPl easant . com | www. ReadMP. com senior living A Loving Link BoomerS and tHeir petS Roots of the FamilyTree Being A gRAnDPARenT Managing Diabetes InYourGolden Years BeYoung, Be Fit ... ... and Be Happy M O U N T P L E A S A N T SENIOR LIVING Published By Mount Pleasant Magazine For more info 50+ RECEIVE A BONUS MAGAZINE! *Must be sent outside of Charleston Metro Area Your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit includes one free copy of each magazine below. MARCH/APRIL 2021 CHAR L E S TON COMPLIMENTARY CHARLESTON | DORCHESTER | BERKELEY THE COVID-19 VACCINE THE POWER OF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM GROWING UP WITH AUTISM ADULTS ON THE SPECTRUM WI NTER 2020 Gentle Lady Sips with the COCKTAIL BANDITS Shift Careers and Follow Your Dreams Decorate or Renovate: Endless DIY Possibilities RBG: A Local Tribute Google Lens Me CHARLESTON W O M E N I N B U S I N E S S • W O M E N I N M E D I C I N E • W O M E N I N R E A L E S T A T E PETS MOUNT PLEASANT OUR STATE DOG: THE BOYKIN SPANIEL Published by Mount Pleasant Magazine HAPPY TAILS Stories of Rescue 2021-22 HIT THE ROAD WITH PET-FRIENDLY TRAVEL WE OUR PETS | MtPleasant. Pet Moun t P l ea s an t . Pe t PATH TO RECOVERY Helping Your Pet Move P st Separation Anxiety Pet Magazine 10.5.indd 1 8/24/20 5:58 PM 2021 ® WE D D I N G S A N D R O M A N C E - M E E T T H E B E S T YouVoted,We Listened! PeOPLe, PLACeS AnD SeRViCeS FOR AWinning 2021 DANIEL ISLAND | ISLE OF PALMS | SULLIVAN’S ISLAND jANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 anniversary, the at orneys at Buxton & Collie won three Best of Mount Pleasant awards — Best Attorney: Business, Best Attorney: Real Estate and Best Attorney: Trusts and Estates. “We were stunned to learn that we had won best attorney in those three categories,” said Courtney Buxton, practice administrator at Buxton & Collie. “It’s incredibly humbling to think that people took the time to put Charleston School of Law, where he was an editor of the Charleston Law Review and the school’s Mock Trial Champion, is enthusiastic about the prospects for the young firm. “We are only 6 years old and we have already experienced explo ive growth,”

ke to receive your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit including FREE MAGAZINES listed. eive information regarding: Hilton Head/Bluffton ❑ Charleston/Mount Pleasant ❑ Folly Beach ❑ Sullivan’s Island ❑ Daniel Island ❑ Summerville ❑ McClellanville d ❑ Georgetown ❑ Murrells Inlet k up a copy of this magazine? ________________________ ❑ 36-49 ❑ 50-60 ❑ 61-69 ❑ 70+ s for: ly Member ❑ Myself

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Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit 1013 Chuck Dawley Blvd. Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

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J im Bux ton, Nate Johnson and Br i an Col l ie holding thei r South Carol ina Bar publ i cat ion, South Carol ina Bus iness Law Handbook : A Prac t i cal Guide for Bus iness Owner s , Ent repreneur s , and The i r Counse l . 9

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For All of Life’s Transactions............. 16 Buxton & Collie Attorneys at Law For the Love of Law............................ 18 Berlinsky Law Firm Bringing Passion into Practice. ........ 19 Attorney Trey Harrell Helping to Solve Problems................ 22 Graham Sturgis Justice on Your Behalf........................ 23 John Price Law Firm LLC now have offices in Mount Pleasant, North Charleston and Summerville.” The firm is also in the planning stage for offices in Georgetown and Myrtle Beach. “What I believe has made us grow so exponentially in a market saturated with lawyers is that we don’t narrow our area of specialization to one aspect of the law,” Dill stated. “We cover everything; whether you are buying or selling a home, starting a business, were seriously injured in an accident, r simply need to have a will drawn up.”

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e r w m e, you erlinsky. asteful.” us s one offices, ame


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4 Char l es tonBes tAt torneys . com with my family, there is never a day I dread going to the office. I am very fortunate to enjoy what I do for a living.” Berlinsky is about as local as one can get. Born and raised here, he graduated from Bishop Engla d High School and The Citadel. As a commander at The Citadel, he frequently escorted dignitaries. Berlinsky became John Pr i ce and h i s team at John Pr i ce Law Fi rm LLC are de l iberate about bu i l d i ng and upho l d i ng a good reputat i on ever y day. 23

LC otential they are ”

Charleston’s Best Attorneys finances

Preparing for the Future GettingYour Legal Documents inOrder P lanning for the future is never easy. Wills, trusts and power of attorneys are complicated topics that require us to make concrete decisions, explore complex legal topics and family dynamics BY L I NDSAY C . B I SHOP

give your trusted loved ones the ability to make important decisions on your behalf. Smith posed the question, “What if you are in a car accident and you become incapacitated, and you don’t have anyone with legal authority to pay your bills or make important medical decisions?” Without power of attorney documents in place, your loved ones would have to petition the court to be granted the ability to make decisions for you. But with the proper documentation, they would be able to act on your behalf immediately, which can be crucial in time-sensitive situations. Guardianship is a vital component of estate planning for younger families. The idea of young children losing parents is heartbreaking to consider, however having a proper plan in place will ensure that children are taken care of by the trusted family member of your choice, keeping them out of the foster system and sheltering them from difficult court proceedings. Aside from properly documenting your wishes, Smith recommended, “when it comes to guardianship, it’s crucial to have those conversations with the people that you want to name in your documents, so that, God forbid something does happen, it’s not a surprise. You want to have a conversation with them as to what would be in the best interest of your children at that point in time.” Trusts are living documents that can be edited to adapt to ever-changing situations and

and ultimately contemplate our own mortality. While it’s tempting to put these big decisions on the back burner, avoiding these topics will create financial and emotional burdens for your loved ones in the long run. When it comes to estate planning, the best time to start

relationships too. That means that your decisions aren’t set in stone, so don’t put them off just because you’re unsure of the best option. misconception that trusts are only for the wealthy, but having the right legal documents It’s a common

will not only ensure that your estate is divided up the way that you envision but will also streamline the estate administration process for your family, saving them precious time during an already stressful and harrowing situation. Aside from having a properly executed will or trust, “people don’t realize the importance of having assets

is today. “I always advise clients to plan as if something were going to happen tomorrow,” stated Sarah Smith of Butler & College Law Firm, who focuses her practice on estate planning. Having a comprehensive plan in place now is important because estate plans consist of so much more than a will or trust. Healthcare and financial powers of attorney are a critical part of your plan because they

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys finances

titled in the proper way and having their beneficiary designations updated,” warned Smith. The designations made on individual accounts will override the wishes you’ve shared in your will, so it’s vital that they’re updated regularly. One of the many benefits of working with a

and passing away or not being able to take care of themselves,” said Smith. “But I’ve seen that it’s a little easier when they’ve gone through the legal process themselves and started that

conversation with their parents that way. It’s a great time for them to say, ‘Hey mom and dad, I just updated all of my documents, so let’s take a look at what you have.’” Whether you’ve been avoiding these sensitive topics or are trying to help guide elderly family members through the process of preparing for the future, having a well thought-out plan will save your family members time, alleviate stress and protect your finances as you navigate the process of aging.

professional like Smith is having someone to guide you through the legal process, ensuring all of the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed along the way. Another benefit of getting your own estate in order is the ability to suggest that elderly family members do the same. “It’s hard for my younger clients to have those conversations with their parents because they personally don’t want to think about their parents becoming older

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

PEARCE LAW FIRM, LLC R eal e state

Togethe r We Are


We are open to serve you

Your key to a successful transaction.

• Real Estate Law • Closing Services • Legal referrals for all of your legal needs

Dixon F. Pearce, II, Attorney at Law 1476 Ben Sawyer Blvd., Suite 1, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 State of the Art IT Security and File Storage e

(P) 843.972.0860

(F) 843.972.0861

www . CharlestonBestAttorneys .com

Meet local attorneys through up close and personal interviews.

To feature your practice and services e-mail

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys featur around t wn

The Closer Pearce LawFirm

people who need to gather on a certain date and time, including buyers, sellers, lenders, home inspectors and homeowners’ associations, just to name a few. Pearce understands that with work and family commitments demanding most of their client’s time, arranging meetings can be difficult. “Our goal is to try and make it as easy as possible so that everyone gets what they want in the (sale) contract,” he stated. It is no secret that an influx of people are relocating to the area. Pearce said that they are seeing an abundance of buyers from the Northeast, including New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, who are seeking refuge here from the wintry weather and higher taxes. “There really is a major migration to our area,” noted Pearce.


The firm also handles a lot of high-profile properties (e.g. multi-million-dollar homes). In 2010, they did the biggest residential deal ever closed in South Carolina when they closed on a $14 million house on Kiawah, which the client later sold for $20 million, setting another new residential record. “We do less volume and focus on higher value properties,” said Pearce. This emphasis on quality over quantity affords them more time to serve the needs of each individual client.

Pearce offers custom fee quotes as well, whereas some firms may charge a set fee for every property regardless of value. Their firm examines how complex each property is and what is involved, and charges differently for a multi-million-dollar home as opposed to a $200,000 home. “I think that is fairer to the client,” commented Pearce. They can also help set up limited liability companies for people who want to hold properties in an LLC. Additionally, they can assist with construction loans, writing title insurance and with 1031 tax deferred exchanges. Pearce does pre-ratification contract reviews as well, since a lot of real estate agents refer them business. If an individual is going to use them as a closing attorney, then as a courtesy the firm helps buyers, or sellers, review their real estate contracts and addresses any questions they might have throughout the process. Pearce Law Firm is located at 1476 Ben Sawyer Blvd, Suite 1. Visit to learn more or contact them at 843-972-0860.

F ocusing its practice on real estate closings, Pearce Law Firm, which has been covering all parts of the Charleston metro area since May 2007, has a wealth of experience in handling real estate transactions in a professional, trustworthy and responsive manner. Attorney Dixon Pearce, who has practiced in the area since 1992, was formerly a partner in Buist, Byars, Pearce & Taylor, LLC, practicing there for seven years prior to opening Pearce Law Firm. His firm focuses primarily on residential closings and buying, selling and financing, as well as commercial stand- alone properties. Pearce is the only lawyer in the practice, and he works with a dedicated team of four closers who serve as legal assistants. Typically, a closing can involve anywhere from 10-15

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

W omen IN LAW


I t was an internship in college at a domestic violence shelter that piqued Heather Hartoin’s interest in law. She was actually double majoring in physical therapy and psychology at Valparaiso University in Indiana, but, while interning, she became fascinated with the legal side of what the families at the shelter were going through. On a whim, she applied to a few law schools while also applying to graduate schools. She was accepted to Valparaiso University School of Law and knew that was where she needed to be. “I fell in love with the law and knew right away I was in the right field,” she shared. Her first job out of law school was with Tippecanoe County in Indiana, working as a deputy prosecuting attorney. She never lost interest in the medical field, and, with her background in physical therapy, she decided to change paths and move into a different area of law. She landed a job with Allstate Insurance Company and Encompass Insurance in the Indianapolis Staff Counsel office as in-house counsel, where she defended both first-party and third- party claims. She moved to South Carolina in 2010, and she met John Price shortly after teaching a semester at the Charleston School of Law. At this point, she has been with the John Price Law Firm for 10 years. “What do I love about the John Price Law Firm? We are truly a family, and we not only treat our team members as such, but also our clients,” she explained. “I’m a fixer, and I love helping people, so working in personal injury is the perfect path for me.” She admitted that she is often working with people during some of the toughest times of their lives. “They don’t know where to turn. I can’t undo what happened to them, but I can help them find a resolution, and that is rewarding.” She said it is important that her clients realize that they are not just a name on a file to her. Whether they had a minor accident or are dealing with something catastrophic, she said she will guide her clients through the process and that the ultimate goal is for them to find peace and a resolution they can live with. “This is someone’s life, and I take that seriously. We all have a story to tell. My job is to help my clients find closure after something awful has happened to them because someone else was negligent.” Hartoin works in the Summerville office of the John Price Law Firm. They also have offices in North Charleston and Myrtle Beach. They handle personal injury, motor vehicle accidents, workers’ compensation, medical negligence and employment discrimination.

Photo by Thomas Runion.

Heather Hartoin John Price Law Firm 307 Old Trolley Road Summerville 843-832-6000

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys 2021 W W W . B E S T O F M

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J ohn Price cares deeply about his reputation and his hometown. As a lifelong resident of the greater Charleston area and a practicing attorney here since 1985, he believes a good name is his most valuable asset. He and his team at John Price Law Firm LLC are deliberate about “building and upholding that good reputation every day.” When asked about recently winning Mount Pleasant’s Best Attorney – Personal Injury award, Price responded, “Our firm has worked hard to earn a good name, and we have done it by pulling together a dynamic group of professional, competent attorneys and experienced paralegals. Our work environment exceeds standards as we respectfully encourage and support one another. As a result, our clients appreciate our friendly, compassionate representation and our calm, assuring attitudes.” He went on to say, “What makes us unique and valuable to the community is our focus on personal injury law and our years of combined experience in this field. We typically represent victims of auto accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, dental and medical malpractice, and similar situations involving negligence, but we can handle all types of personal injury, including children’s injuries, dog bites, defective products, scaffolding and ladder falls, wrongful deaths and workers’ compensation issues.” COVID-19 has impacted all local businesses in a variety of ways. For Price’s firm, after a temporary decrease in accident claims during the initial shutdown, it wasn’t Justice onYour Behalf John Price LawFirmLLC BY JANE T E PERR I GO

John Pr i ce and h i s team at John Pr i ce Law Fi rm LLC are de l iberate about bu i l d i ng and upho ld i ng a good reputat i on ever y day.

long before business was back to normal. In response, the firm incorporated masks, sanitization procedures and social distancing as consistent office procedures to protect both personnel and clients during in-person consultations. Virtual meetings and work-at-home solutions have also proven valuable. Most communications can be done remotely, including signing documents. COVID has also somewhat disrupted the legal system. Personal injury claims may take longer to process, especially for those who will be going to court for settlement. Though patience is necessary for certain results, Price encouraged those who feel they have been wrongfully injured to go to the hospital or see their doctor as soon as possible and establish a medical injury baseline. Keep all appointments, including virtual ones, and follow all treatment protocols. Documenting your maximum medical improvement will be vital to your case. Keep a log of pain levels that can be used, if necessary, as a gauge of suffering. Take pictures, if appropriate. Seeking legal advice should be done sooner rather than later. Although court dates have been delayed, South Carolina has not extended any statutes of limitations, so attendance to deadlines is critical. Avoid talking to insurance adjusters and making public statements until you fully understand your rights and situation. Insurance companies will fight harder than ever now, pressuring for quick, low-balled settlements. Having a competent legal team behind you can make all the difference. First consultations are always free, and the lawyers at John Price Law Firm LLC are only paid when a case is resolved to the benefit of the injured party.

For more information about John Price Law Firm, call 843-552-6011, or visit

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys J. GrahamSturgis, Jr. Attorney at Law Family Law Separation | Divorce | Custody | Support Family LawMediation Personal Injury Equine Law

47 State Street Charleston, SC 843-937-0800 • 48

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys


W hen not practicing law, Graham Sturgis relaxes by spending time with his family at his horse farm, Brick Church Farm, fly fishing for trout in the mountains and enjoying Charleston area beaches and waters. He and his wife, Maureen, have two grown children, Haley and Trip, and family has been Sturgis’ greatest experience and source of joy. After 42 years, Sturgis also still finds meaning and great satisfaction in his law practice. He values the recognition and friendship he has earned from peers. Sturgis received an AV Rating for the “Highest Possible Rating” in both legal ability and ethical standards reflecting the confidential opinions of both members of the bar and the judiciary, which he finds both humbling and rewarding. Whether in the role of an advocate or a mediator, his greatest challenge is to help people solve their own problems without having the court impose its solutions. “It’s enormously satisfying to identify goals and then achieve a resolution that works,” he said. “It was a natural by-product of my interest in people and psychology,” he explained of his decision to focus on family law advocacy and to become a Certified Family Law Mediator. “In South Carolina, no contested divorce case can go to trial without first attending mediation. No matter how talented or well-intentioned a judge may be, he or she cannot have the depth of knowledge the parties themselves have. Good mediators and attorneys help them use that knowledge to craft their own outcomes tailored to their own situations. If the parties cannot reach agreement, Helping to Solve Problems Graham Sturgis BY JOHN TORS I EL LO

the court system is better equipped to deal with divorce and other family matters now.” He continued, “There now is a separate family court judicial system with dedicated, experienced judges. There is a greater emphasis on using counselors, custody evaluators, guardians, and the process of discovery to develop the facts fully so that judges have the information they need to make the right decisions. All this, of course, makes litigation more expensive too. I enjoy the courtroom and winning cases, but most cases get settled today and avoid the expense of a trial.” Sturgis believes it is crucial to know his clients’ backgrounds and values and understand issues that are important to them. “The first thing I do at the initial meeting, or soon afterward, is to list a set of goals. This allows me to understand what the client wants to happen, and then we can discuss and determine how we get there. Seeing clients in a better place in their lives after the conclusion of the legal process is great.” Sturgis also practices personal injury law and equine law. He is a past president of the South Carolina Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association and was admitted to the American College of Equine Attorneys. He is a graduate of Davidson College and the University of South Carolina School of Law, where he was a member of both Wig and Robe, and the South Carolina Law Review. To contact his office at 47 State Street, Charleston, call 843-937-0800 or email

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys 2020

One Law Firm For All Cobb, Dill &Hammett





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In a phrase, Cobb, Dill & Hammett can handle all of their clients’ legal needs “from cradle to grave,” with departments in real estate, business/banking law, family law, criminal defense and personal injury. They don’t need to refer clients to anyone else. “We just walk them down the hall and introduce them to our highly trained attorneys in the area of their legal concern,” noted Dill. “Whatever legal needs you have, we can help you through it.” When it comes to attracting new clients, Cobb, Dill & Hammett does not rely on aggressive television commercials. Said Dill, “Our only advertising is a sole billboard.” That billboard, in an obvious and conscious play on words, reads “In a pickle? Call Dill.” Dill, who was an associate at a boutique firm before becoming a partner at Cobb, Dill & Hammett, looked back fondly at his experience at Charleston School of Law. “My studies there prepared me well for my current position,” he stated. “I learned how to write legally, which is very different from ‘normal’ writing.” The firm now enjoys hiring Charleston School of Law students and helping them further their legal careers. There’s something else that sets Cobb, Dill & Hammett


“A t Cobb, Dill & Hammett, LLC our motto is, ‘We’re your family’s law firm for life,’” said Michael Dill, attorney and partner in .the Mount Pleasant law firm. Dill, a graduate of the University of Georgia and

Charleston School of Law, where he was an editor of the Charleston Law Review and the school’s Mock Trial Champion, is enthusiastic about the prospects for the young firm. “We are only 6 years old and we have already experienced explosive growth,” Dill said. “We currently have 12 attorneys and

apart from most other law firms: their four-legged “associate,” Buster the law dog. Dill’s personal golden retriever, Buster, can be found most days at the office, greeting clients and calming them down during stressful times. According to

the attorney, “We have clients who will come by the office even if they don’t have a meeting just because they want to see Buster.” With the firm’s proven ability to handle all the major aspects of the law, it’s well on its way to achieving its goal of becoming “the biggest and best law firm in South Carolina.” Buster was unavailable for comment. He was serving a subpoena on a squirrel. Visit Cobb, Dill & Hammett at 222 W. Coleman Blvd., in Mount Pleasant or call 843-732-1516.

now have offices in Mount Pleasant, North Charleston and Summerville.” The firm is also in the planning stage for offices in Georgetown and Myrtle Beach. “What I believe has made us grow so exponentially in a market saturated with lawyers is that we don’t narrow our area of specialization to one aspect of the law,” Dill stated. “We cover everything; whether you are buying or selling a home, starting a business, were seriously injured in an accident, or simply need to have a will drawn up.”

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BEST OF 2020

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys 2019

W W . Fear Is Not an Option Walter Harris B E S T O F M P . C O M G etting in an automobile accident is scary, but other things are frightening as well, like the legal work involved in opening a business or trying to understand employment law as the boss of a small company. Understanding the law can be daunting indeed. That’s where Walter Harris of Harris Law Firm, LLC, comes in. Voted Best Lawyer by the readers of Mount Pleasant Magazine two years in a row, Harris’ goal is to help people understand their legal rights and face the unknown without fear. With over 20 years of experience in both the personal- BY THERESA STRATFORD W

injury and corporate-law fields, he believes that he has seen it all. “I have experience that crosses several legal fields, so any problem or issue that my client is facing I have most likely seen before,” he empathized. But what really sets Harris apart from the rest? “When I take your case, I am the only person you are working with. I’m available by phone, email and even text. I will give my personal number to my clients so I can respond to issues as fast as they arise,” he said. And he makes house calls. Last month alone, he said he spent many hours with clients in their homes. “They were injured so badly from their car accidents that they weren’t able to meet me at the office, so I went to them and was happy to do so,” he said. “I keep my caseload to a level that allows me to move their legal work forward as quickly as possible to their satisfaction, as well as create the time, even on weekends, to meet them.” It was that one-on-one interaction, attention to detail and personal care for all things legal that earned Walter F. Harris the title of Best Lawyer in Mount Pleasant once again.

To learn more, visit, email Harris at or call 843-471-1066.

HARRIS LAW FIRM, LLC Walter F. Harris, Esq.

Thank you Mount Pleasant for voting me best attorney 2 years in a row! Boutique accident and business law firm

“ I could not have asked for a better attorney, hands down Walter is the BEST not only as an attorney but as a person! He is very good at what he does and it shows the moment you meet him! “ -JEN ROMER

Personalized Service with Big Firm Experience

115 River Landing Drive, Suite 102, Charleston, SC 29492| Office: 843.471.1066 | Fax: 843.853.9377 |

18 Char l es tonBes tAt torneys . com 100 BEST OF 2019

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys

Your Estate and Real Estate Law Experts Butler & College, LLC

establish and maintain relationships with our clients and are absolutely flattered and grateful when they continue to trust us with their legal needs.” Wills, trusts, estates, powers of attorney, health care directives and LLCs are several of the ways Butler & College help clients who are seeking estate-planning services. “We know that no matter where you are in life, you have certainly worked hard to build your personal and financial legacies. Don’t let something like an accident, an unexpected illness or an untimely death ruin your financial planning and put your family at risk,” said Smith. Clients trust Butler & College with the specifics of estate law, as they vary from state to state, as well as from client to client, and these specifics are not always addressed with the “cookie-cutter” legal documents that can easily be accessed online. “The problem with not having quality legal documents is that issues are not evident until it’s too late. When you have an experienced estate planning attorney guiding you throughout the process and diligently drafting your documents specifically to your individual needs,


F or more than five years, Butler & College, LLC, has gained a solid and supportive reputation among its clients. Specializing in estate planning and real estate services, the award- winning law firm has four locations and five attorneys to serve the South Carolina Lowcountry and Myrtle Beach. Ryan Butler and Andrew College opened their practice in 2010 after

potential issues are foreseen and can be prevented ahead of time,” detailed Smith. Quality real estate services provided by attorneys are always sought out in South Carolina because a state- licensed attorney is required by law to handle all real estate transactions. “We know how complicated the Charleston and surrounding real estate markets can be. When you

successful stints with other law firms. Their goal was to focus their efforts to provide competent and timely representation to clients in the areas of residential and commercial real estate, closings and estate planning. Since then, Butler & College, LLC, has helped thousands of clients, while garnering some of the top honors awarded by their title company and local newspapers and magazines. “The availability of our services to clients in different locations around the Lowcountry, as well as the fact that we offer a variety of related legal services, sets Butler & College apart,” explained attorney Sarah Miller Smith. “We plan to keep helping our clients, new and existing, and their families for a very long time. We strive to

work with Butler & College, you are working with a team of experienced professionals who will be there to help guide you along the way from the time you sign the contract to the closing,” said Butler. Christopher Grace and William Stroud also are part of the team of seasoned attorneys and legal staff who are ready to represent you throughout the purchase or sale of your home or in planning your estate. For more information, visit or call 843-284-8676. To talk about estate planning or to schedule a free consultation, call Sarah Miller Smith at 843-225-3167.

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Charleston’s Best Attorneys






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E ver seen those loud, fast-talking television commercials for lawyers touting the “huge” settlements they’ve won for clients? Of course, you have. You won’t see any for attorney Philip Berlinsky. Ever. He finds television advertising by attorneys “distasteful.” Ditto his view on lawyers who boast of numerous offices around the Lowcountry. Berlinsky maintains one office in North Charleston. “If I had five different offices, I couldn’t possibly be in five different places at the same time,” he said. “It is important to inquire of your potential attorney, if you actually get to meet the attorney, if they are local and how long they have been practicing here.” Berlinsky added, “There are attorneys that never go into the courtroom and never even meet their clients. It is important to inquire when was the last time their prospective attorneys personally tried a case. I do spend time with my clients and I personally try cases.” He assured, “I’ll always do whatever is necessary to resolve cases in favor of our clients.” Like virtually all personal injury attorneys, Berlinsky works on a contingency basis. That means that if he accepts a client there is no charge, and any revenue his office receives comes from an agreed upon share of the overall recovery. “It’s very stressful for clients if they receive hourly bills that can be staggering,” he said. “If I don’t recover for the client, I earn nothing. I work hard because I want to help our clients and their families.” For Berlinsky, his family, staff and clients “rely upon my ability to obtain favorable results. Those expectations are a driving force in my desire to succeed.” He continued, “I truly enjoy practicing law. As much as I would prefer to stay home For the Love of the Law Berlinsky Law Firm BY B I L L FARLEY



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with my family, there is never a day I dread going to the office. I am very fortunate to enjoy what I do for a living.” Berlinsky is about as local as one can get. Born and raised here, he graduated from Bishop England High School and The Citadel. As a commander at The Citadel, he frequently escorted dignitaries. Berlinsky became acquainted with U.S. Attorney Griffin Bell while escorting him on a campus tour. Impressed by the young cadet, Bell suggested he attend his own alma mater, Mercer Law School in Georgia, which Berlinsky did. Admitted to the South Carolina Bar in 1989, he has earned honors including election to the Board of Governors of the South Carolina Trial Lawyers’ Association. He is a recipient of that professional organization’s President’s Award and is a former chairman for the Insurance Claims Committee. Berlinsky spends his free time with his wife, Shannon, also a Citadel graduate, and their three young sons. They live in the Old Village and enjoy water-related activities, riding four-wheelers and shooting skeet on the weekends at their country home in Berkeley County. “There is nothing in this world that would ever entice me to move away from here. Charleston will always be our home.”

For a free consultation, call 843-884-0000.

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