Charleston Best Attorneys-Magazine3
Charleston’s Best Attorneys 2021 W W W . B E S T O F M
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J ohn Price cares deeply about his reputation and his hometown. As a lifelong resident of the greater Charleston area and a practicing attorney here since 1985, he believes a good name is his most valuable asset. He and his team at John Price Law Firm LLC are deliberate about “building and upholding that good reputation every day.” When asked about recently winning Mount Pleasant’s Best Attorney – Personal Injury award, Price responded, “Our firm has worked hard to earn a good name, and we have done it by pulling together a dynamic group of professional, competent attorneys and experienced paralegals. Our work environment exceeds standards as we respectfully encourage and support one another. As a result, our clients appreciate our friendly, compassionate representation and our calm, assuring attitudes.” He went on to say, “What makes us unique and valuable to the community is our focus on personal injury law and our years of combined experience in this field. We typically represent victims of auto accidents, slip-and-fall incidents, dental and medical malpractice, and similar situations involving negligence, but we can handle all types of personal injury, including children’s injuries, dog bites, defective products, scaffolding and ladder falls, wrongful deaths and workers’ compensation issues.” COVID-19 has impacted all local businesses in a variety of ways. For Price’s firm, after a temporary decrease in accident claims during the initial shutdown, it wasn’t Justice onYour Behalf John Price LawFirmLLC BY JANE T E PERR I GO
John Pr i ce and h i s team at John Pr i ce Law Fi rm LLC are de l iberate about bu i l d i ng and upho ld i ng a good reputat i on ever y day.
long before business was back to normal. In response, the firm incorporated masks, sanitization procedures and social distancing as consistent office procedures to protect both personnel and clients during in-person consultations. Virtual meetings and work-at-home solutions have also proven valuable. Most communications can be done remotely, including signing documents. COVID has also somewhat disrupted the legal system. Personal injury claims may take longer to process, especially for those who will be going to court for settlement. Though patience is necessary for certain results, Price encouraged those who feel they have been wrongfully injured to go to the hospital or see their doctor as soon as possible and establish a medical injury baseline. Keep all appointments, including virtual ones, and follow all treatment protocols. Documenting your maximum medical improvement will be vital to your case. Keep a log of pain levels that can be used, if necessary, as a gauge of suffering. Take pictures, if appropriate. Seeking legal advice should be done sooner rather than later. Although court dates have been delayed, South Carolina has not extended any statutes of limitations, so attendance to deadlines is critical. Avoid talking to insurance adjusters and making public statements until you fully understand your rights and situation. Insurance companies will fight harder than ever now, pressuring for quick, low-balled settlements. Having a competent legal team behind you can make all the difference. First consultations are always free, and the lawyers at John Price Law Firm LLC are only paid when a case is resolved to the benefit of the injured party.
For more information about John Price Law Firm, call 843-552-6011, or visit
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