Charleston Best Attorneys-Magazine3
Charleston’s Best Attorneys 2019
W W . Fear Is Not an Option Walter Harris B E S T O F M P . C O M G etting in an automobile accident is scary, but other things are frightening as well, like the legal work involved in opening a business or trying to understand employment law as the boss of a small company. Understanding the law can be daunting indeed. That’s where Walter Harris of Harris Law Firm, LLC, comes in. Voted Best Lawyer by the readers of Mount Pleasant Magazine two years in a row, Harris’ goal is to help people understand their legal rights and face the unknown without fear. With over 20 years of experience in both the personal- BY THERESA STRATFORD W
injury and corporate-law fields, he believes that he has seen it all. “I have experience that crosses several legal fields, so any problem or issue that my client is facing I have most likely seen before,” he empathized. But what really sets Harris apart from the rest? “When I take your case, I am the only person you are working with. I’m available by phone, email and even text. I will give my personal number to my clients so I can respond to issues as fast as they arise,” he said. And he makes house calls. Last month alone, he said he spent many hours with clients in their homes. “They were injured so badly from their car accidents that they weren’t able to meet me at the office, so I went to them and was happy to do so,” he said. “I keep my caseload to a level that allows me to move their legal work forward as quickly as possible to their satisfaction, as well as create the time, even on weekends, to meet them.” It was that one-on-one interaction, attention to detail and personal care for all things legal that earned Walter F. Harris the title of Best Lawyer in Mount Pleasant once again.
To learn more, visit, email Harris at or call 843-471-1066.
HARRIS LAW FIRM, LLC Walter F. Harris, Esq.
Thank you Mount Pleasant for voting me best attorney 2 years in a row! Boutique accident and business law firm
“ I could not have asked for a better attorney, hands down Walter is the BEST not only as an attorney but as a person! He is very good at what he does and it shows the moment you meet him! “ -JEN ROMER
Personalized Service with Big Firm Experience
115 River Landing Drive, Suite 102, Charleston, SC 29492| Office: 843.471.1066 | Fax: 843.853.9377 |
18 Char l es tonBes tAt torneys . com 100 BEST OF 2019
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