Charleston Best Attorneys-Magazine3
Charleston’s Best Attorneys 2021 W W W . B E S T O F M
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T here were more surprises than expected in 2020, but for Buxton & Collie LLC, some of those surprises were cause for celebration. In the same year they celebrated their 10-year anniversary, the attorneys at Buxton & Collie won three Best of Mount For All of Life’s Transactions Buxton & Collie Attorneys At Law BY KATHER I NE WATERS
sometimes a client will have a need that encompasses more than one area. But this is just one reason why Buxton & Collie partners have established strong relationships with their clients. “Many of our clients stay with us for a long period of time,” said Buxton. “Maybe they come to us for a business deal, for example, like a dentist who is buying into a dental practice. The dentist needs to have an employment agreement drawn up, and maybe the practice decides they want to buy the building that their dental office is in, so we can handle that commercial real estate deal.” She explained further, “After that, the individual dentist says, ‘Well, now that I’ve done all this, my spouse and I don’t have an estate plan. We have two kids, and we need to plan for things.’ So, then we can take care of that part of their legal needs. That’s a good example of a typical client. A client may come to us for one reason and then stay with us for others.” The close connections with the Mount Pleasant community expand beyond the legal business. Buxton & Collie partners with numerous local charitable organizations, using their large parking lot and central location for regular blood drives with The Blood
Connection, as well as hosting luggage drives for children in foster care and diaper drives for the Junior League of Charleston Inc., among many other philanthropic relationships. The community involvement at Buxton & Collie is a reflection of the relationships within the company.
Pleasant awards — Best Attorney: Business, Best Attorney: Real Estate and Best Attorney: Trusts and Estates. “We were stunned to learn that we had won best attorney in those three categories,” said Courtney Buxton, practice administrator at Buxton & Collie. “It’s incredibly humbling to think that people took the time to put
Over the past 10 years, employees
J im Bux ton, Nate Johnson and Br i an Col l ie holding thei r South Carol ina Bar publ i cat ion, South Carol ina Bus iness Law Handbook : A Prac t i cal Guide for Bus iness Owner s , Ent repreneur s , and The i r Counse l .
have fostered their connection to the greater Mount Pleasant community as well as a familial connection to their coworkers. “We all live and work in Mount Pleasant,” said Buxton. “We have a great group of employees. We all really think a lot of each other and work well together and want to be the best that we can be through the quality of our work and our involvement with the community.”
our names down and that we came out as number one in those categories. It means so much to us because we very proudly serve the Mount Pleasant community.” So much of what the team does — both in their work and outside of it — focuses on the community. The company’s tagline is “For All of Life’s Transactions.” Their six attorneys and support staff help clients in three main areas: business transactions, residential and commercial real estate and estate planning. Those three areas of concentration often interlink, or
For more information on Buxton & Collie, visit, or call 843-874-6333.
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