Charleston Best Attorneys-Magazine3

Charleston’s Best Attorneys wns Better Places T Call Home eat Places To Visit. Tabl of Cont nts Hilton Head Bluffton interested in a primary residence to raise your family, a second home to be closer to your new grandchild or irement home, your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit will help you make your move a smooth one.

Documents inOrder For All of Life’s Transactions Buxton & Collie A torneys At Law One Law Firm For All Cobb, Dill &Hammett P lanning for the future is never easy. Wills, trusts and power of attorneys are complicated topics that require us to make concrete decisions, explore complex legal topics and family dynamics and ultimately contemplate our own mortality. While it’s is today. “I always advise clients to plan as if something were going to happen tomorrow,” stated Sarah Smith of Butler & College Law Firm, who focuses her practice on estate planning. Having a comprehensive plan in place now is important because estate plans consist of so much more than a will or trust. Healthcare and financial powers of attorney are a critical part of your plan because they “A t Cobb, Dill & Hammett, LLC our motto is, ‘We’re your family’s law firm for life,’” said Michael Dill, attorney and partner in .the Mount Pleasant law firm. Dill, a graduate of the University of Georgia and BY B I L L FARLEY BY L I NDSAY C . B I SHOP T here were more surprises than expected in 2020, but for Buxton & Collie LLC, some of those surprises were cause for celebration. In the same year they celebrated their 10-year our names down and that we came out as number one in those categories. It means so much to us because we very proudly serve the Mount Pleasant community.” So much of what the team does — both in their work and outside of it — focuses on the community. The company’s tagline is “For All of Life’s Transactions.” Their six attorneys and support staff help clients in three main areas: business transactions, residential and commercial real estate and estate planning. Those three areas of concentration often interlink, or Dill said. “We currently have 12 attorneys and BY KATHER I NE WATERS

Charleston’s Best Attorneys www. ReadMPM. com | www. VOICE forRea l Es tate. com | www.MountPl easantBu i l de Dill, who was an ssociate at a boutique firm be becoming a p rtn r at Cobb, Dill & H mmett, loo fondly at his experience at Charleston School of Law studies there prepared me well for my current positi stated. “I learned how to write legally, which is very from ‘normal’ writing.” will not only ensure that your estate is divided up the way that you envision but will also streamline the esta administration process for your family, saving them precious time during an already stressful and harrowin situation. Aside from having a properly executed will or trus “people don’t realize the importance of having assets as hostin drives fo foster ca drives fo League parents is heartbreaking to consider, however having a proper plan in place will ensure that children are take care of by the trusted family member of your choice, keeping them out of the foster system and sheltering them from difficult court proceedings. Aside from properly documenting your wishes, Smith recommen “when it comes to guardianship, it’s crucial to have th conversations with the people that you want to name your documents, so that, God forbid something does happen, it’s not a surprise. You want to have a convers with them as to what would be in the best interest of children at that point in time.” Trusts are living docum that can be sometimes a lient will have a need that en than one a ea. But this is just one reas n w Collie partners have established strong rela their clients. “Many of our clients stay with us for a time,” said Buxton. “Maybe they come to deal, for exampl , like a dentist who is buy dental practice. The dentist needs to have agreement drawn up, and maybe the pract want to buy the building that their dental we can handle that commercial real estate She explained further, “After that, the dentist says, ‘Well, now that I’ve done all t and I don’t have an estate plan. We have tw need to plan for things.’ So, then we an t part of their legal needs. That’s a good exam client. A client may come to us for one rea stay with us for others.” The close connections with t e Mount community expand beyond the legal busin & Collie partners with numerous local cha organizations, using their large parking lot location for regular blood drives with The Connec I a phras , Cobb, Dill & Hammett can handle of their clients’ legal needs “from cradle to grave,” w departments in real estate, business/banking law, fam criminal defense and personal injury. They don’t nee refer clients to anyone else. “We just walk them down the hall and introduc t our highly trained attorneys in th area of their le c ncern,” n ted Dill. “Whatever legal needs you ha can help you through it.” When it comes to attracting new clients, Cobb, Dill & Hammett does not rely on aggressive televisi commercials. Said Dill, “Our only advertising is a so billboard.” That billboard, in an obvious and co scious pla words, reads “In a pickle? Call Dill.” edited to adap to ever-chang situations and relationships That means t your decision aren’t set in st so don’t put t off just becau you’re unsure the best optio It’s a com misconceptio that trusts are only for the wealthy, but having the rig legal docume 6 Over th years, e have fo connect greater Mount Pleasant community as w connection to their coworkers. “We all live and work in Mount Pleasa Buxton. “We have a great group of employ really think a lot of each other and work w want to be the best that we can be through our work and our involvement with the co The firm now enjoys hiring Charleston School o students and helping them further their legal career There’s something else that sets Cobb, Dill & H 11 For more information on Buxton & Collie, or call 843-874-633 don’t have a meeting just because they want to see B With the firm’s proven ability to handle all the m aspects of the law, it’s well on its way to achieving it becoming “the biggest and best law firm in South C Buster was unavailable for comment. He was se subpoena on a squirrel. Visit Cobb, Dill & Hammett at 222 W. Coleman in Mount Pleasant or call 843-732-1516. Inc., am other ph relation The involve & Colli of the r within apart from other law fi th ir four- “associate,” the law do personal go retriever, B can be fou days at the gr eting cl and calmin down duri stressful tim Accord the attorne have client will come office even

Preparing for the Future...................... 6 Getting Your Legal Documents in Order For All of Life’s Transactions............... 9 Buxton & Collie Attorneys at Law The Closer............................................ 10 Pearce Law Firm One Law Firm for All......................... 11 Cobb, Dill & Hammett Fear Is Not AnOption....................... 12 Walter Harris Heather Hartoin. ................................ 14 Pearce Law Firm tempting to put these big decisions on the back burner, avoiding these topics will create financial and emotional burdens for your loved ones in the long run. When it comes to estate planning, the best time to start Your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit includes one free copy of each magazine below. To register online, go to: Lowcountry Over Party Restaurants - | Read online – | Real Estate – WINTER/SPRING 2018-19 ManagingYour IslandParadise Who to Trust, Questions to Ask Local Officials Were In Cunningham’s Corner IsleofPalms Safest City in South Carolina PETS MOUNT PLEASANT A PACK OF THEIR OWN How the Haskells Ended Up with Seven ‘Failed’ Fosters Published by Mount Pleasant Magazine WORKING DOGS OF MOUNT PLEASANT They Work Hard for the Lovin’ 2019-2020 HEALTH FROM SNOUT TO TAIL Exercise, Anxiety, Chronic Disease, Recipes and More WE OUR PETS | MtPleasant. Pet Moun t P l ea s an t . Pe t Q&A WITH A FEW OF HOOTIE’S DOGS Not the Blowfish! CHAR L E S TON JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2019 COMPLIMENTARY TOP 10 HEALTH CONCERNS IN THE PALMETTO STATE Stop Allergies GET OFF THE ACHOO-CHOO TRAIN Special Issue on KIDS’ HEALTH C UISIN E L O W C O U N T R Y Celebrating CHARLESTON Flavor As Seen On TV Old-school diners on the small screen Spring/Summer 2019 OYSTERS ALL YEAR LONG!? Every season is oyster season. Opa! Going (out for) Greek Rappahannock Oyster Bar: A dozen sustainably aquacultured Rappahannock River Oyster Company oysters available at Rappahannock Oyster Bar in Charleston. Cook the Cover page 19 Put on Your Chef Hat Chefs dish on their favorite spring recipes Restaurants – | Read online – | Real Estate – WINTER/SPRING 2018-19 BatteryGadsden Cultural Center Discovering a History Underground Who Is and WhoWas Residents of the Island, Past and Present Plunge Intoa NewYear Dunleavy Style! www. Char l es tonsPr i vateSchoo l s . com | www. Char l es tonSchoo lDi rec tor y. com | www. ed. sc . gov ISD INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS PUBLISHED BY MOUNT PLEASANT MAGAZINE GETTING INTO COLLEGE An Insider’s View “We Are the Champions” BISHOP ENGLAND AND FIRST BAPTIST TAKE STATE! Get the Lowdown ON LOWCOUNTRY LEARNING W W W . C H A R L E S T O N S C H O O L D I R E C T O R Y . C O M C H A R L E S T O N ’ S I N D E P E N D E N T SCHOOL DIRECTORY From left to right: Katie Stall, Charleston Southern University; Dizz Oliver, Orange Grove Charter School; Eva Gallagher, Allegro Charter School of Music; Isabella Nash, Palmetto Christian Academy; Shane McCravy, Oceanside Collegiate Academy. Front: Reese LaBelle, Christ Our King Stella Maris. DANIEL ISLAND | ISLE OF PALMS | SULLIVAN’S ISLAND jULY/AUGUST 2018 Summer’s in the Air Hydrofly SportS ® C A L E N D A R O F E V E N T S - C U I S I N E - P E T S - S C H O O L D I R E C T O R Y - R E A L E S TAT E We Are Mount Pleasant: Pillars of the Community Athletic Domination BishopEngland andFirst Baptist Dogs, Birds and Possums Loving all Lowcountry Animals Mount Pleasant 2018 177 www. Ret i r i ngToSC . com | www. I LoveMountPl easant . com | www. ReadMP. com senior living A Loving Link BoomerS and tHeir petS Roots of the FamilyTree Being A gRAnDPARenT Managing Diabetes InYourGolden Years BeYoung, Be Fit ... ... and Be Happy M O U N T P L E A S A N T SENIOR LIVING Published By Mount Pleasant Magazine For more info 50+ RECEIVE A BONUS MAGAZINE! *Must be sent outside of Charleston Metro Area Your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit includes one free copy of each magazine below. MARCH/APRIL 2021 CHAR L E S TON COMPLIMENTARY CHARLESTON | DORCHESTER | BERKELEY THE COVID-19 VACCINE THE POWER OF YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM GROWING UP WITH AUTISM ADULTS ON THE SPECTRUM WI NTER 2020 Gentle Lady Sips with the COCKTAIL BANDITS Shift Careers and Follow Your Dreams Decorate or Renovate: Endless DIY Possibilities RBG: A Local Tribute Google Lens Me CHARLESTON W O M E N I N B U S I N E S S • W O M E N I N M E D I C I N E • W O M E N I N R E A L E S T A T E PETS MOUNT PLEASANT OUR STATE DOG: THE BOYKIN SPANIEL Published by Mount Pleasant Magazine HAPPY TAILS Stories of Rescue 2021-22 HIT THE ROAD WITH PET-FRIENDLY TRAVEL WE OUR PETS | MtPleasant. Pet Moun t P l ea s an t . Pe t PATH TO RECOVERY Helping Your Pet Move P st Separation Anxiety Pet Magazine 10.5.indd 1 8/24/20 5:58 PM 2021 ® WE D D I N G S A N D R O M A N C E - M E E T T H E B E S T YouVoted,We Listened! PeOPLe, PLACeS AnD SeRViCeS FOR AWinning 2021 DANIEL ISLAND | ISLE OF PALMS | SULLIVAN’S ISLAND jANUARY/FEBRUARY 2021 anniversary, the at orneys at Buxton & Collie won three Best of Mount Pleasant awards — Best Attorney: Business, Best Attorney: Real Estate and Best Attorney: Trusts and Estates. “We were stunned to learn that we had won best attorney in those three categories,” said Courtney Buxton, practice administrator at Buxton & Collie. “It’s incredibly humbling to think that people took the time to put Charleston School of Law, where he was an editor of the Charleston Law Review and the school’s Mock Trial Champion, is enthusiastic about the prospects for the young firm. “We are only 6 years old and we have already experienced explo ive growth,”

ke to receive your Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit including FREE MAGAZINES listed. eive information regarding: Hilton Head/Bluffton ❑ Charleston/Mount Pleasant ❑ Folly Beach ❑ Sullivan’s Island ❑ Daniel Island ❑ Summerville ❑ McClellanville d ❑ Georgetown ❑ Murrells Inlet k up a copy of this magazine? ________________________ ❑ 36-49 ❑ 50-60 ❑ 61-69 ❑ 70+ s for: ly Member ❑ Myself

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Coastal Carolina Relocation Kit 1013 Chuck Dawley Blvd. Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

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J im Bux ton, Nate Johnson and Br i an Col l ie holding thei r South Carol ina Bar publ i cat ion, South Carol ina Bus iness Law Handbook : A Prac t i cal Guide for Bus iness Owner s , Ent repreneur s , and The i r Counse l . 9

antMagaz i ne. com | www. I LoveMountPl easant . com | www. Bes tofMP. com






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For All of Life’s Transactions............. 16 Buxton & Collie Attorneys at Law For the Love of Law............................ 18 Berlinsky Law Firm Bringing Passion into Practice. ........ 19 Attorney Trey Harrell Helping to Solve Problems................ 22 Graham Sturgis Justice on Your Behalf........................ 23 John Price Law Firm LLC now have offices in Mount Pleasant, North Charleston and Summerville.” The firm is also in the planning stage for offices in Georgetown and Myrtle Beach. “What I believe has made us grow so exponentially in a market saturated with lawyers is that we don’t narrow our area of specialization to one aspect of the law,” Dill stated. “We cover everything; whether you are buying or selling a home, starting a business, were seriously injured in an accident, r simply need to have a will drawn up.”

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4 Char l es tonBes tAt torneys . com with my family, there is never a day I dread going to the office. I am very fortunate to enjoy what I do for a living.” Berlinsky is about as local as one can get. Born and raised here, he graduated from Bishop Engla d High School and The Citadel. As a commander at The Citadel, he frequently escorted dignitaries. Berlinsky became John Pr i ce and h i s team at John Pr i ce Law Fi rm LLC are de l iberate about bu i l d i ng and upho l d i ng a good reputat i on ever y day. 23

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