Charleston Best Attorneys-Magazine3

Charleston’s Best Attorneys finances

titled in the proper way and having their beneficiary designations updated,” warned Smith. The designations made on individual accounts will override the wishes you’ve shared in your will, so it’s vital that they’re updated regularly. One of the many benefits of working with a

and passing away or not being able to take care of themselves,” said Smith. “But I’ve seen that it’s a little easier when they’ve gone through the legal process themselves and started that

conversation with their parents that way. It’s a great time for them to say, ‘Hey mom and dad, I just updated all of my documents, so let’s take a look at what you have.’” Whether you’ve been avoiding these sensitive topics or are trying to help guide elderly family members through the process of preparing for the future, having a well thought-out plan will save your family members time, alleviate stress and protect your finances as you navigate the process of aging.

professional like Smith is having someone to guide you through the legal process, ensuring all of the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed along the way. Another benefit of getting your own estate in order is the ability to suggest that elderly family members do the same. “It’s hard for my younger clients to have those conversations with their parents because they personally don’t want to think about their parents becoming older

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